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Parfumo supports independant niche perfumers!

Parfumo supports independant niche perfumers! 12 years ago
Hello !

I just want to recommend the blog of DeGe53 to you. She did an interview with Howard Jarvis from Bud Parfums. It appeared last year on the German Parfumo, but it is still of interest, so DeGe53 has posted it for you.

Howardjarvis has an account here and of course, you can contact him. He is curious about and maybe you have already seen him drop by.

Parfumo does not want ads and also not people trying to advertise some obscure webshops. But Parfumo definetly supports the independant niche perfumers. Some users - i.e. DeGe53 - are always searching for new brands that they can test and present to us all. Thank you, DeGe53!
12 years ago
Thanks, Apicius! This is especially helpful for those of us who are just learning our way around here!
Michael Storer? 12 years ago
Does anyone know why the Michael Storer website no longer works?
Is he still in business?
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