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The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...Thanks for these. They support what we've been saying which is that certain qualities of skin change how quickly perfumes evaporate or how long they are retained but they don't alter the perfume's molecular structure to create markedly different outcomes on different people. The difference in perception of odours is rooted in the olfactory, not integumentary, system. When I read a review on a perfume and someone describes specific scent impressions that I don't get on my skin that's my olfactory receptors. These also change over time. Even minor changes can make a huge difference to the way you perceive scents. Hence why we can be repelled by perfumes we once loved etc.Any insistence on the existence of 'skin chemistry' flies in the face of science.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...Cryptic:I can't wait until Sherapop's book comes out. One of my favorite Sherapop Manifestos ever: The Turin Takedown. Science *is* literal. And allergies are an immune reaction. I could go on.Still, no 'skin chemistry' which makes perfumes smell differently on different people. It's about scent/olfactory receptors which are located, not on your skin, but in your nose. Sorry! I think we in the science camp will have to agree to disagree with you.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...Cryptic:"But what about your chemistry? Your temperature and oiliness seem most important. The top notes will evaporate faster from warm and dry skin than cool and oily skin. Otherwise, by the time the heart notes emerge, the perfume smells the same on everyone [source: Turin and Sanchez]."I seriously doubt that The Holey Sick Book (Trademark Sherapop) has ever been cited as authority for anything here at Parfumo, so congratulations are probably in order. :lol:Yeah - Luca Turin is only a biophysicist so he might be confused about biochemistry and the science of perfume. There's room for doubt.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...Cruella:Perfumecrazy:His specialisation is environmental science and, more specifically, water. He agrees that it must result in a change to the molecular structure of the perfume to be considered chemistry. He agrees the skin warmth and degree of oiliness does affect the speed with which it is evaporated and how long it lasts but apparently what differentiates top, heart and base notes is the 'weight' of the molecules. Top notes are light and evaporate quickly and so on with base notes the 'heaviest'. I don't understand this detail. He said imagine a perfume that changes on a molecular level according to each individual's skin. It would be a rare and fascinating thing to try. Is that what the 'Molecule' perfumes purport to do?he is on board with the differences in scent receptors as the reason for different perceptions of scents.What is a molecule perfumes? Is that a brand?And he has a point, imagine if skin changed perfume on a molecular level, NO PERFUME would ever smell the same! Perfumers would make a formula, release it and it would transform into billions of variants that are not what he created. That is why skin chemistry is so ludicrous and ridiculous, but alas people insist in believing it exists.Yes - precisely his point. You would never be able to predict how a perfume would smell if they responded differently to every individual's skin - it would be as individual as fingerprints. yes - Escentric Molecules Molecule range. I've not tried them so not sure what their story is.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...His specialisation is environmental science and, more specifically, water. He agrees that it must result in a change to the molecular structure of the perfume to be considered chemistry. He agrees the skin warmth and degree of oiliness does affect the speed with which it is evaporated and how long it lasts but apparently what differentiates top, heart and base notes is the 'weight' of the molecules. Top notes are light and evaporate quickly and so on with base notes the 'heaviest'. I don't understand this detail. He said imagine a perfume that changes on a molecular level according to each individual's skin. It would be a rare and fascinating thing to try. Is that what the 'Molecule' perfumes purport to do?he is on board with the differences in scent receptors as the reason for different perceptions of scents.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...Yeah - I'm married to a Scientist so I guess some of that rubs off. Lol. I do love any discussion around the science of perfume.
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
... looks like a line has been drawn under the debate but I just found this article and wanted to add it for interest's sake. I think the point is that, while body temperature and oiliness impacts on the speed of evaporation of perfume, an individual's skin does not alter the actual molecular structure of the perfume. This is my definition of 'chemistry': If the skin changed the actual molecular structure of a perfume on a person to person basis that would be 'chemistry'. I am not sure that is the case. Good to read all the perspectives!
The end of a love affair-Scents that have lost their magic ?
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...I accept that individual human scents exist but not the 'chemistry'. I had also wondered why, then, do scents smell differently on different people and why my perception of scents change over time. To that end I recently found and posted a news article on this forum which explains that differences in perception of scents is down to different people having different scent receptors rather than chemistry. Makes more sense than the concept of 'skin chemistry'. I can't find any research on that to prove it exists. It is an interesting debate! And maybe changes in my scent receptors is why I no longer love "Jardins de Bagatelles".
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...Dulcemio:Perfumecrazy,That is so funny, I can't stand it! What's a kitty to do? Since boxes are kitty magnets, and that's just a super fancy box! :lol:I think now is a good time to reprise this one: for spelling. :oops:Thank you so much for posting this - it's just hilarious watching these little cat v dog dramas playing out. That little white dog dragging his bed all over the And the pug... 'does that make you sad?' Aw. The ending gives me hope that, one day, Patsy & Reilly might even share the dog house/cat box :lol: Maybe I should sit them down and make them watch it.
What are you listening to right now ?
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...I've been on an 80's kick all day, wallowing in nostalgia (like someone who just got another year older...) We just caught up on the latest 'Orange is the New Black' which has that great theme song 'You've got time' by Regina Spektor andright now I'm listening to her aptly named 'Dance Anthem of the 80's'. So cute.
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
D, Patsy v D, Reilly [2013]
...Both parties agreed to enter mediation to settle the dispute but talks quickly broke down:There is nothing else for it: I will have to pop up to the shops and buy another dog house before this gets ugly.
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...Sherapop:Perfumecrazy:Patsy is currently drafting a strongly worded email to the Nonhuman Rights Project in protest against the abovementioned feline squatter.I love this story!!!!! :PI will be sure to let you know how it pans out. Patsy is hitting the chicken necks pretty hard so she might have grounds for a secondary psych claim on top of the property issue. Reilly is quietly confident, I.e. fast asleep :lol:
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...Patsy is currently drafting a strongly worded email to the Nonhuman Rights Project in protest against the abovementioned feline squatter.
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...This is slightly off topic but Dulcemio's post brought it to mind: My partner, family, friends and I have lately been discussing the Nonhuman Rights Project (Jane Goodall is one of the Board). To quote from their website:The Nonhuman Rights Project is the only organization working toward actual LEGAL rights for members of species other than our own. Our mission is to change the common law status of at least some nonhuman animals from mere “things,” which lack the capacity to possess any legal right, to “persons,” who possess such fundamental rights as bodily integrity and bodily liberty, and those other legal rights to which evolving standards of morality, scientific discovery, and human experience entitle them. I am comforted by the idea of world in which animals have legal rights. this is our dog, Patsy's, brand new dog house - not that you would know from this photo. My son had literally just constructed it, put her bedding and favourite toy in, turned away for a minute and Reilly moved in. My son said 'now somebody needs to break this to Patsy'.
I have been.......
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...Thanks heaps for the birthday wishes guys :D It was a good one! 29... again. :wink: Hey Mia - quarkkeulchen are a fried dough - I would liken them to a cross between a donut, a pancake and a dumpling. Never mind the 'cronut' - these delicious treats are, um, doducakes, pandolings, dupanuts, ? ... ahem. Anyway, they are delicious served hot and sprinkled in cinnamon sugar with fruit compote and whipped cream. They look kind of like this:
The most beautiful and well-crafted Flacons
by Perfumecrazy | Perfumes & Brands
...I love this thread. It's an absolute feast for the eyes. Beautiful bottles are all part of the overall attraction for me of the perfumista experience but I rarely, if ever, give any thought to who designs these beauties. I also love the Guerlain 'bee' bottles.
Some thoughts about cats and dogs
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
The 40 most awkward dogs of 2013 / Hunter S Thomcat
...The 40 Most Awkward Dogs of 2013 S Thomcat Really? Hunter S. Thomcat is sleeping in the most dangerous place in the entire house.Victor: Don’t be ridiculous. He knows you’re never going to use that Touché.
Books: what are you reading right now?
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...Sycamore Row. John Grisham. So far, so good. Last few books have been disappointing but this seems like the JG I know and love.
I have been.......
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
...I have been... celebrating my birthday with dinner at the Berlin Bistro. They reserved our usual table and gave me my sparkler-adorned dessert for free as a gift (in recognition of our habit of regularly scoffing German food in their restaurant - note to self, time to cut back on the Quarkkeulchen) :lol:
What are you listening to right now ?
by Perfumecrazy | Off Topic
... Murray - Feeler... 'So Beautiful'. Where have 10 years gone? :(
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