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Burak46 2 months ago 3 2
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Sexy Black Knight
Anyone who has already tested the Black Knight from the company will notice that the basic structure is extremely similar to the substructure

I imagine in the smell direction that the already mentioned goes into a kennel. You can recognize similar parallels only that it doesn't come across as serious and barbaric. It comes across as dirty, wicked, sexy with slight animalic notes, playful but serious on the one hand. The peach has been skillfully used to add fruitiness. I perceive a slightly sweaty note in the very late course, which fits perfectly with the concept and the style, but I would classify it as slightly negative

I think the label itself is extremely underrated and Francesca doesn't get the attention it deserves. Fragrances with a vintage character, a totally unique vibe, a high artistic level, a great style.

Keep up the good work ! Hopefully we will see many more beautiful things from her ! Thumbs up !
Burak46 2 months ago 2 4
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Flying Elephant
First Sniff ....

Smell flask to hand, expectation is something dirty animalic, parallels to Leather Oud by Dior were mentioned but .... None of this is true !

My first thought afterwards was:
Is it really a Nishane ? Why the misleading name ? Where is the strong animalism ?

The beginning is a bluish moss bomb that is powdery, reminiscent of the drydown of Blue oud from Arabian Oud. Bischen clean impression with a very subtle animalic tone. The first part lasts about 2-3 hours. The second part in the drydown is then the final one, the musk note recedes strongly but is still present. The remaining ingredients now kick in and the fragrance becomes more masculine and unisex.

Now to my subjective opinion. I definitely imagined it differently. The name and the notes alone. It is very well crafted and at a high level, but I don't know if I will keep the fragrance ..
Burak46 4 months ago 4 1
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Costa da Caparica
High waves hit the Costa da Caparica, one of the most famous surf spots in the world. It is windy, but sunny and the rough water washes seaweed onto the coast to the sand

Acqua di Sale is not a fresh fragrance like Foconero and the like, but I would call it a semi-aquatic fragrance. It is watery but not fresh as the algae note gives it an extremely herbaceous character. I still perceive something salty, which goes very well with the cedar wood. It smells good, but it doesn't make me feel relaxed, it doesn't transport me to a beautiful beach or anything like that.
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Burak46 5 months ago 2 1
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A bad take-off does not mean a bad landing
The beauty of our world of perfume junkies is that we all have a passion. We try out a lot of things and draw a tight circle of things together that we find a fable for and are fascinated by.

One of them, the controversial stuff called "OUD", some people just hate it and others can't get enough of it .... Just under 60€ for 60 ml, very successful OVP, high-quality bottle, what could possibly go wrong? The opening if at all, from here on it becomes strange .... Oud Pure Mystical Indian Is for me one of the most difficult fragrances to explain. It is so extremely multifaceted, I could only say in which direction it does not go at all. It always keeps the woody / leathery / smoky character but somehow always with different nuances. You can think I'm crazy, sometimes it has a more fruity side, sometimes it's more woody. In terms of oud quality, I would definitely say that it is at Ajmal level, if not even above it. Don't be put off and try something crazy :))
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Burak46 5 months ago 2
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Is it just a "maybe"?
Maybe you should waste less time on Parfumo and read a sensible book instead.

Maybe you should spend less money and take advantage of the stock market crash instead.

Maybe you should set boundaries and curb your ego to avoid buying perfume.

Perhaps we should admit to ourselves that the perfume craze is getting out of hand.

But .....

Maybe you should just shit on everything and live in the here & now! That's exactly what I did and ordered it blind from Barcelona. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of strongly chemical fragrances with evernyl, eugenol and so on on them because I associate such a huge amount of negative things with them.

I don't want to puke, but at the price the OVP is a cheek ... The bottle simply came in a kind of
" pencil case " inside. Absolutely unimaginative and so cheap.

Well, let's not paint the devil on the wall, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten around so many maybe's :)) I would explain the fragrance process in 3 parts. Part 1: Chemical chaos, completely overloaded with an etreme hairspray note with leather.
Part 2: Everything has calmed down, all the individual notes can be smelled and are completely fused together. Part 3: Chemical bitter rose with leather, the fragrance is completely smooth and calming. I personally find molecular fragrances very difficult due to the performance, I wore it yesterday at minus 2 degrees and it was definitely juicy! The fragrance can be worn anytime and anywhere. It was a new experience to get involved with chemistry haha :))
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