Flaconneur's Blog
11 years ago - 13.11.2012

How To Apply Fragrances

This will not be a lengthy tutorial on how to press the atomizer button on your fragrance bottle, but it will discuss the most common types of fragrance application. Is there a right and wrong way to apply perfume? The answer is no, but, there are some good general rules in order to help you get the most our of your fragrance. Fragrances are expensive, so there is no point in wasting them. Here are three of the most commonly used application methods.

Pulse Points

Pulse points are areas of skin where the blood flow is directly under the skin surface. These pulse point are constantly supplied with warmth. The fragrance is in constant contact with a heat source which assists in activating and diffusing the fragrance. Some common pulse points are located at the neck, wrists, inner elbow and the chest or cleavage. When applying to the wrists, it is generally thought that rubbing a fragrance once applied, heats up the skin surface and breaks down the molecules — not a good idea. It is almost second nature that people apply fragrances to the wrist. There are many that have abandoned this method because they generally wash their hands after using the restroom or perform duties that involve a great deal of hand washing and hence, wash off the fragrance as well.

The Cloud Method

It is thought that spritzing perfume and walking through the cloud is generally a good way to apply perfume. When I am taking about perfume, I mean pure perfume. Spray the perfume into the air and walk straight into its mist. The downfall to this application type is there is less perfume that comes directly in contact with skin. Walking through a cloud of perfume must be done prior to dressing. This application type will usually be relatively equally distributed as long as you're not fully clothed. Perfume was not designed to interact with inert materials. Yes, perfume can be sprayed on clothing to enjoy notes that would otherwise evolve and disappear on the skin but you also run the risk of staining clothing by spraying perfume directly on them. I personally don't recommend the cloud method application type because there is just as much perfume that ends up on the floor and not enough on your body when it will develop. There are two good reasons to spritz perfume. First, it's a good way to apply fragrance if you will be in close quarters with other people. Second, if you are with people that may react negatively to even the littlest bit of over-application of a fragrance.


There are a few fragrance manufactures that offer many skin care and bath products that are scented with the same fragrance as their fragrance lines. This usually gives you a fuller scent and sillage. Layering is a benefit if you are completely satisfied with those products. More and more people are purchasing fragrance free products that they are happy which will not interfere with their fragrance. The downfall here is, not everyone loves the other products in a manufactures line.

The pulse point method is probably the most common practice for fragrance application. Depending on your skin type, dry or oily, fragrances can react differently depending on the point of application. Some people like to spray the wrist. I find that this is probably the first place scent leaves the skin. Inside the elbow can also work for some people but I find that if you are wearing long sleeves, the fragrance will be rubbed off with the normal action of arm movement. The most successful locations for the pulse point method are the neck and chest. These areas might give you the best longevity and sillage. These two areas of the body are generally very warm and scent will be held very well. Wearing fragrances on the chest will also provide the wearer the added benefit of catching a whiff from time to time.


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