Pipette's Blog
10 years ago - 12.07.2014

That old computer has to go

For the longest time I have lived with this computer because it worked. Worked is now the past. Like beating a dead horse, there is a limit what can comfortably be dealt with in daily use.

Especially, since I got into a mess. There is that "free scanner service" which scanned and found immense portions of files "to be fixed". "Fix for free" so they say ... But, but, why then after a little fixing, they come out with the license agreement that will fix everything forever for the measly annual fee of $65. or guarantee this or that, for a higher price? So, I exed out and then they followed me with cookies. Whenever I opened my regular programs, cookies of "fix this or that" followed in a nasty pop-up way with music and assistant and I felt angry, annoyed, and pursued like ducking under a swarm of hornets.

The only way to get some relief was to completely shut down the computer and restart it, but soon the pop-ups reflooded the visual area. I could not even log in to Parfumo, somehow the cookies seemed to sabotage everything, so that the end user would then see that this piece of malfunctioning s**t could use their services. Hah! Not me, I was ripping mad.

Get the services of young son ... please have a look. He did and we decided that maybe it was time to retire this old piece of machinery and get a new computer tower from Best Buy. Said, done. It arrives on Monday, and I may be absent with my humble pieces of perfume journalism during next week as the new unit gets set up.

What to save? Well, all my photos. Anything else? Yes, the convenient "favorites section". And to make sure to take apart the motherboard and destroy the memory chip and discard the metal box like only a carcass.

I will be reading from the Public Library, but probably not typing.

As the virtual part of my being is overhauled, I am setting out to over this weekend make total order in my physical paperwork.

Change is good. Out with the old, in with the new.

So far, so good. It is amazing how dependent we have become on the virtual space of handling things.


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