Pipette's Blog
10 years ago - 22.02.2014

The pleasure of writing perfume reviews

is that they can be as subjective as the author choses. There we have a perfume and we spray it on. The nose is the decisive organ, but wait, it is actually the brain. With all its fields, its memory connections. Then the author's writing ability to put into words what the heart feels. Or just critically evalulate a composition, talk about notes. The more past sniffing experience, the better the result to present it to your peers.

Does it have to be "good journalism"? No. Will it be legally evaluated what prose went down? Although widely read in cyberspace and forever chiseled in stone, it does not have to be an opinion which is "politically correct". These thoughts came to me this morning after last night's discussion in the general discussion forum.

To write about a perfume experience is an innocent matter. To have a perfume blog and publish a wider range of thoughts - like what is going on in the current perfume industry - includes a social responsibility not to add more confusion to the state of affairs than there already is. How honest the writings are is based on the author's hidden agenda and hidden constraints.


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