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Interiors fragrances for atmosphere?

Interiors fragrances for atmosphere? 10 years ago
Is anyone in the know regarding fragrances designed to create a specific atmosphere in a store or office? Not aromatherapy, more like the marketing style of Abercrombie & Fitch scenting their store with Fierce, but less overt.
If anyone can link to such a company or even to reading material regarding this, please let me know. Smile
10 years ago
Sorry, I have no links or texts. But it does exist. I know of a mall that has scent dispensers (if I remember correctly they were hidden in the trash bins). Also, some bakeries etc. smell too good to be true. Try an internet search.
10 years ago
I have, unfortunately even with my Google-fu most of what comes up are businesses that design fragrances for products, not corporate aromas in the way we mean.
I'm most curious about how they design their pyramids... I assume there would be little to no top notes, mainly heart and base notes to "last" and be a "stable" scent as it is released into the air.
10 years ago al/40
Their references:
Zelfbouwmarkt = a DIY store .. So, what the hell, does this mean that that nice woody smell is all fake !?
Their fragrances: al/64
10 years ago
Ahhhh, many thanks!
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