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Allergic Reactions

Allergic Reactions 9 years ago
Well, I've had my first full-blown allergic reaction to a perfume and it's a whopper. Four days in and the flame red itchy rash that spread all over my neck and onto my collarbones is less red and no longer itchy, due to an oatmeal-milk-baking soda paste I applied. A cortizone cream did nothing. Unfortunately, the cause was a gorgeous Oriza Legrand I just love.

The rash is brightest where I sprayed it on my neck. Given the notes, there are multiple fresh-smelling wood/herbal suspects as well as the mysterious waxy note. Has anyone else experienced this? How long before I can go out without frightening small children.
9 years ago
Sorry to hear that, the closest I've come is a burning from the alcohol when I sprayed a perfume. That eventually goes away without leaving anything on the skin. I don't even know why you would get a rash, because of the ingredients or the alcohol?
9 years ago
Sorry for your itchy experience, ScentFan. I've had something similar happen to me any number of times. The dermatologist warned that cortisone creams can cause skin atrophy or skin thinning or something horrible, I forget the specifics, so I avoid them. He recommended taking Benadryl and using a topical antihistamine ointment. Here's an example: itch-cream-1-oz/-/A-14463627?ref=tgt_adv_XSG10 001&AFID=google_pla_df&LNM=14463627&CPNG=Healt h+Beauty&kpid=14463627&LID=17pgs&ci_src=175889 69&ci_sku=14463627&kpid=14463627&gclid=CjwKEAj wjd2pBRDB4o_ymcieoAQSJABm4egoYcPnoGPQ2Gga0DVG7 oFVCOHW-EvD-GMShJfIOA2-iBoCCLTw_wcB

Hope that rash clears up soon.
9 years ago
ScentedSalon I think it's one of the ingredients in the perfume, probably a natural one. Legrand smells so fresh for good reason, no doubt.

Thanks for that tip, Cryptic. I'll pick it up. I was hesitant to take the cortisone and won't try it again now. The oatmeal paste was a great, if messy, relief. May try it again. I also tried aloe vera. Mistake. It stung so much I had to wash it off! On to Benadryl.
9 years ago
Maybe it helps to know that you are not the only one.

I once had a strong reaction after testing two discontinued fragrances by Crown Perfumery. My eyes got swollen so I couldn't see anything for a while. It happened that day when I was to pick up my father from hospital. In the end, my father went home alone, and I had to stay there for a day Smile
9 years ago
Wow. Thanks for sharing that, Apicius. Swollen eyes trumps red rash for sure. Did it only happen once? No reactions to other perfumes?
Maybe it helps to know that you are not the only one.

I once had a strong reaction after testing two discontinued fragrances by Crown Perfumery. My eyes got swollen so I couldn't see anything for a while. It happened that day when I was to pick up my father from hospital. In the end, my father went home alone, and I had to stay there for a day Smile
9 years ago
The only perfume I have had a reaction to is the new version (2014) of Aromatics Elixir. The old one I have is fine, just the new so no backup bottle for me.
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