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Is Encre Noire A L'Extreme reformulated?

Is Encre Noire A L'Extreme reformulated? 4 years ago
Hello everybody,

On Perfumo the longevity of Encre Noire A L'Extreme is rated with a 7.8, and the sillage with a 7.4.

This is what I read on Fragantica about the presumed reformulation from three different commenters:

“BATCH 2018 I'm just smelling on my right hand and on the left I put a 2016 BATCH and with great regret I have to say the difference is huge.”

“This is bottle water down!!! I would not buy again, unless is not batch 2016! Do not buy bottle after batch 2016.”

“Today I received my second bottle. Great scent, but for the difference from the first bottle, batch 2016, the new one is very, very weak. No projection, longevity 2-3 hours.”

Does anyone here have experience with different batches of Encre Noire A L'Extreme and the presumed weakened performance? Is it really reformulated?

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