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How to propose a main picture for fragrances

How to propose a main picture for fragrances 10 years ago 1
Hello. This is a short introduction on how to propose a main picture (see image below) for a fragrance that currently has no picture shown on its details page on top.

Just send an e-mail with your proposed image to [email protected]
Please include the source and make sure the photo is according to the guidelines.

- pure white background, no shadows and reflections if possible
- only good quality, no blurred or compressed pictures
- square size if possible (at least 240 x 240 Pixel)
- flacon without packaging, if possible
- no water marks
- possible third party rights must be observed


We ask you this because of pictures being added continuously and time shifted, so we can't really navitage it through the Parfumo Research system. Also please don't send in suggestions/corrections for fragrances that have just been added to the database. Usually the photos will be added soon. Please report only wrong/switched pictures.
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