Open Threads only
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Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Hello Richet, welcome to Parfumo.  I hope you enjoy the site.  πŸ™‚
4 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Hello VintageBatch.  Glad to have you.  Hope you enjoy your time here.  πŸ™‚
4 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, llona.  I agree that decants are a great way to experience many fragrances and to help one decide which fragrances may be full bottle worthy!  
4 months ago
Beware if You Want to Sell Any of Your Perfumes
by Oriane | Perfumes & Brands
...DesroThanks for sharing.You are welcome.  I have not tried to sell any of my perfumes, so I have no idea if the law is still in force or not.  Anyone know?
4 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, Anya, I hope you enjoy the site and share some reviews with the rest of us.  πŸ™‚Cheers,Oriane 
6 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...It is never too late to fall in love with perfume.  Welcome, Rodrigo!  πŸ™‚
7 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Greetings, Alessio!  We are glad to have you here with us.  πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, DanaM.  Nice to have you here.  πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, Diddilybop!  We are glad to have you!  πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...JoM68, welcome.  It is never too late to fall in love with perfume.  πŸ˜Š
9 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, Rojaibird.  πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, Diffusekris.   πŸ™‚
9 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Hello, Rachelg.  I hope you enjoy Parfumo!  πŸ™‚
10 months ago
B&BW Closing Stores & Many Others As Well
by Oriane | Perfumes & Brands
...^^^ Yes, they are opening more stand alone stores, so it looks like they plan to be around for a good while to come.  πŸ™‚I think some people, as we get much older, lose interest in malls.  One thing I think they are still good for me is for walking in inclement weather.  If you can stand the recycled air, you can always go to the mall and walk round and round in relatively comfort even if it is very hot or very cold or raining, etc., outside.  Have to be practical!  πŸ˜
10 months ago
B&BW Closing Stores & Many Others As Well
by Oriane | Perfumes & Brands
...DogiCocoWe don't even have B&BW stores in Germany 😭 But this is not surprising. I know that B&BW is often the last store in deserted old malls in the USA, so it makes sense to close locations like that. 50 are not even that many.  I like malls in principle, but I'm always disappointed when I shop for clothes offline. It's easier to find what you're looking for online. Testing perfumes in stores is great though. Who knows?  Perhaps one day they will expand to Germany.  πŸ˜ƒI rarely ever go to a mall even to test perfumes.  I have a fairly large collection, and I purchased all of them based on the notes pyramids and reviews.  I tested very, very few of them before purchasing.  I do not buy many clothing items anymore, either, so I have more or less avoided malls since the 1990s.As for stores closing, though, it is not just B&BW.  We have had many long lived chains that are going out of business.  We have had some upmarket stores that have either gone out of business or declared bankruptcy and were restructured, e.g. Barney's and Neiman Marcus respectively.  I never see that much traffic at the malls except in late Autumn through early Spring, and that is because of holiday shopping and returns.Another chain that has declared bankruptcy is Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I very rarely visited BB&B.  I never really liked how the store was organised or its general ambiance, and I found their prices were not very competitive with other large retailers that sold the same sorts of items, but I am sorry to know they have gone into receivership.  I just found out about it today.  I had a gift card for them I had not used, so I figured I better use it.  Then, I found out they now refuse to honour their gift cards.  I will have to file a claim with the receiver, but I am doubtful I will ever see the money.  I think that is wrong.  They accepted cash for a plastic card.  If they are not going to honour the cards, then they should return the cash.  Just wish I had known about this a month or two ago.
10 months ago
B&BW Closing Stores & Many Others As Well
by Oriane | Perfumes & Brands
...I just learnt about this.   I am sure many others knew already, but for those who have not heard, B&BW is closing a lot of their stores.  They are not going out of business, but they are shutting down a lot of mall stores.  I guess I am not too surprised by this.  I do not like malls and go very infrequently.  I often have wondered in the last 15-20 years if many malls would close completely.  Many people shop on-line exclusively or nearly exclusively.  I prefer to shop on-line even for some types of clothing.  In any case, I am sad to hear that B&BW are closing stores.  They are not the only ones, either.  Take a look at this list.  I am amazed at so many store closings.
10 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Welcome, Panavia1. πŸ™‚
11 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Spoke to you on another forum recently, but welcome.  πŸ™‚
11 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...Spoke you on another forum recently, but welcome.  πŸ™‚
11 months ago
Why Is This Site So Quiet?
by Oriane | Parfumo Community
...MitchcraftOrianeMitchcraftI am glad to see it has got busier recently. @EmberRose and I have certainly been pumping out a few new topics to hopefully bring some fun in the off-topic section and the perfume section also. We can only create the topics, though others need to take part in replying. I know this is an old post, but i do want to try to let new people know who maybe read this that there are some of us posting daily and coming up with new stuff on top of the regular kind of posts you see on most forums.Good for you.  That is great to know!  I have been so busy in the last year or so that I do not check in on the site unless I receive an email about a new review for one of the perfumes in my collection.  I try to take a look at the new reviews as they come in, but it is a flying visit.Out of curiosity, how long have you been collecting for? If you don't mind me asking, of course. I just wonder if maybe people who are not tied to the site in the way of being maybe a writer for articles, administration or work in the industry itself maybe start to not be as active as they were when they first started collecting? I am roughly a year in with my collecting. Then again i only bought a couple for a wedding around about this time last year and didn't buy any more fragrance until a good few months later, so my proper indulgence in to watching YouTube reviews, creating Fragrantica accounts and Parfumo was probably not until much later than that. I just looked at the first time i used the fragrantica ability to apply what you are wearing, and it was indeed much later than when i would say i started collecting. It wasn't until November that i first used it. I looked there as i found Parfumo afterwards. So in reality, i have only been in the depth of collecting for 7 months. Woah, it feels longer because it was the 2 i bought about a year ago that initiated the future collecting spree that i have been on ever since. Though i feel like i am ready to slow down and stop going on buying sprees and instead start just buying one good fragrance a month from now on.Is that what you would say you went through? A sort of weaning from the intensity of it after a while to where you are now just checking out new reviews here and there?No, not really.  My love for perfume has not diminished, but other things have changed.   I loved perfume my whole life, but for many years there were only a very few that I could wear that would not make me feel ill---terrible headaches that would cause me to scrub off the perfumes.  Then, I stopped wearing perfume altogether in the 1990s after I more or less retired.  It must have been about 10-12 years ago now (maybe longer) that I began to crave my old perfumes.  I used the Internet to find reviews and read articles, and I slowly found a lot more perfumes that I could wear without becoming ill (thanks to IFRA perhaps??).  I then stumbled upon a couple of websites devoted to perfume.  I had no idea just how many perfumes were available in this world!  Reading reviews and participating in discussions spurred me on to try more of the perfumes I read about, and before I knew it, I amassed a large collection.  I really enjoyed it so very much.  I found most perfume lovers on most sites were lovely people, but not all of them were especially on one really nasty site, and as time went by, I drifted away from participating in discussions on those sites.  I was one of the first to leave my favourite site many years ago now.  Many more knowledgeable, really generous and kind members left the site in the last 1-2 years.  I presume they left for the same reasons I did years ago.  I still like to read reviews, and I still occasionally write reviews, but I lost interest in some of the perfume sites due in part to needless restrictions on topics and what could be said and partly due to the truly vicious nature of some of the people on some of those sites (thinking of one in particular that I will not name, but hint: it was one of the first sites dedicated to perfume and preceded Fragrantica and and Parfumo).  I still collect, though.  I still have a long list of perfumes I would like to have in my collection, but I generally buy just 1-2 around the holidays each year now unless I stumble upon something rare that I have been searching for for some time.  I added a couple of Piguets and a Malle to my collection in the last calendar year.  I really do not look for many anymore, though, mainly because they have become harder to find and because some houses have increased their prices to criminal levels.  Last year, I did not order anything from Neiman's as I normally would do because they did not have anything that was on my list---they have virtually no Guerlains anymore for example.  Likewise, Chanel's prices became insane not that long ago, and there are not many Chanels I would pay those prices for these days.  My favourite Chanels were all by Jaques Polge creations, too, and he is has retired, but Polge remains unequaled at Chanel in my opinion, so given his absence and the insane prices Chanel ask for a 75ml bottle, I have no real interest in the house anymore.  I would like to explore more niche houses in future, e.g. Slumberhouse and Andy Tauer, but I am not in a big rush to purchase anything in particular at the moment.  My passion for perfume remains the same, but other factors such as the ones I named herein have slowed me down a bit, and of course I have space considerations.  I do not have a lot of space to increase my collection either.  Well, that is about it for me.  I hope I have answered your question.  Cheers!  πŸ™‚
11 months ago
21 - 40 by 153