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I have been.......
by Anessa | Off Topic
...The African violet on the pictures looks perfect, Cincy. Thanks for sharing!You must be, as well as Cryptic, green-thumbed. I'm hopeless with plants, even cactuses don't survive in my hands.I have been... trying to finish typing a (nonpersonal) letter and will have to do it now.
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Anessa | Parfumo Community
...Exciter, yes, that's the one I meant, thanks! It's Vogue even.I'm afraid it's not only about Parfumo and its members he seems to feel in a certain way, as could be seen on many other inofficial occasions regarding other topics."The competitive do not know the peace of mind" -- by me.Mia, as you know, some people are extrapunitive.
by Anessa | Off Topic
...Regarding 'wisdom' gained from experience, Mia, I thought of the fact that it depends on the very person what they will learn (if ever) from an incident, since they choose what to conclude for themselves, based on their character. I have heard the expression 'true wisdom', but not so much about 'false wisdom'. I wondered if 'wisdom' is considered a double-edged matter that can turn either way, like 'power' being abused. Perhaps it is called 'knowledge' in this case.About Plato, I think we can see he didn't like women; otherwise, those who love idle chit-chat would be condemned if it were for him :lol: :wink:"The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind."-- The Tale of the Heike (13th century), trans. by H.C. McCullough
Perfume-related quotes
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
...Thanks, Mia :)I often notice outside that I had forgotten to put on any perfume, but since I feel more comfortable with smelling with less than too much, I suppose it's fine by me. I can understand that, though.Just came up with another quote (self-made; please imagine Bilbo's voice):"It is important to listen to your own nose, Frodo - otherwise, it might leave you and even steal your identity." -- credit to Gogol
by MiaTrost | Off Topic
...that one is so true! :D I do like Hawkin's sense of humour.Anessa:.. 'wisdom' is a value-neutral word and can go either way, depending on one's character...How so? And whilst we are at it, here is another one...
Perfume-related quotes
by MiaTrost | Perfumes & Brands
...Anessa:Cincy's quote sounds like a timeless script for perfume ads.Well put... Cincy's quote sounds like a timeless script for perfume ads.Well put, Anessa, it does. :)"Fragrance is my favorite thing. So much so that if I leave the house and I don't put any on, I'll turn around and go back home."~ Meghan...
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Exciter76 | Parfumo Community
...Anessa:@MiaI remember another post where he, once asked by a member why our website gets treated as a spam site and any competition ideas were involved...
Perfume-related quotes
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
...@Mia, regarding the alleged O.Wilde quote, I had come to doubt it too. I wonder what the original source is.@Cryptic, I never had heard about hovenia and had to look up. I think I don't need that one, there are mad men enough! I rather need an antidote.By the way, Mugler's "Aura" has such a troubling, mind-fogging and numbing effect on me. Perhaps some of the mentioned substances are included. And my free quote after Othello would be:" is the green-coloured heart-shaped monster that doth mock my poor nose and brain"Cincy's quote sounds like a timeless script for perfume ads.
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Anessa | Parfumo Community
...I hope you did find a source for that kiss-blowing emoticon on your own, Cryptic - not that we get sued for that one, too ;)Funny that their official English announcement for the latest J.Stuart is still using the same text they first had for the Croatian one which doesn't mention concrete notes, but now they have added and corrected their messed fragrance notes - must've found a better source which, as always in their case, isn't revealed.-- sprinkling salt --
by Anessa | Off Topic
...Ah, there are a few similar sayings in my language, Cryptic, one is:"A skilled falcon hides his talons""The weaker the dog, the more/louder it barks"And the one that is very popular and is often quoted especially regarding business (companies etc.):"The riper the rice corn gets, the deeper it bows (its head)" - a reminder that any "positions/fame/titles" et al. someone might have achieved, that it was not without the support and help of other people, and therefore, one should not forget humbleness.It also is often used in the meaning that people with great ('ripe') personality, no matter their status, will never boast, always be polite and treat people equally, regardless of the other one's social position etc.Mia, your quote about wisdom is very right, but made me realise that 'wisdom' is a value-neutral word and can go either way, depending on one's character...
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Anessa | Parfumo Community
...@MiaI remember another post where he, once asked by a member why our website gets treated as a spam site and any competition ideas were involved, used a traffic analysis graphic to demonstrate that (paraphrasing) "Sorry, but isn't even on the same level as ours...ours is comparable to big magazines like ELLE, whereas has so much access in one month as we have in one morning."As to the confusion level, I agree with you, it must be of such that he clearly doesn't walk the walk.@CincyI find it also funny that their inofficial sub-website is doing everything he seems vehemently rejecting to do ;)
Perfume-related quotes
by Cryptic | Perfumes & Brands
...pleasure, Anessa. Did you catch the part about hovenia driving men mad? Excellent quotes and bits of wisdom, Mia. :)"Only the uncannily beautiful, a strange...
Blind Buys - Are you a risk taker? Best + Worst Experiences
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
...Fragrances that interest me are (for whatever reason!) mostly not available in stores to test, and I have to decide to take the risk or not. I had always done lots of 'blind buys' without knowing this expression, I suppose it was just another 'mail ordering' for me. In the past, I couldn't imagine much from the listed fragrance notes and completely relied on some 'intuition' (and luck) based on the ad and bottle picture. Curiously, I never had a 'failed' blind purchase back then, and this left me in a blissful state of even not knowing such things exist.After I had begun reading reviews of other people and started letting my attention lead to those I wouldn't have looked at myself (in order to 'broaden my horizon'), I collected a mass of 'missed' blind buys. Of course, I felt frustrated to discover that I seemed to be in the 3% minority to perceive a fragrance differently than the 97% who praised and wrote glowing words, more so if someone just wrote misleading, eloquent 'reviews' which, in reality, were fabricated without ever testing and received many applauding thumb-ups as to confirm their credibility (note: not on this site).Some cases were rather 'against better knowing' or the lack of the ability to imagine anything, trying to persuade myself to give it a chance, just for the sake of giving people's sentiments more credit than my own feeling, and therefore, my own fault. It's not much different than with people, I suppose. And these also belong to my worst blind purchases. Very nice finds were partly surprising, partly anticipated. Funny that "Fancy Nights" mentioned earlier belongs to one of my nicer blind buys, based on my impression of the bottle alone, and the description 'old, books', without ever knowing what patchouli smelt like or if I liked it. I just saw it was a controversial fragrance (at that point, there were more negative feedbacks) which didn't keep me from trying :)
Perfume-related quotes
by MiaTrost | Perfumes & Brands
...that's a lovely one!I have my doubts about it being an Oscar Wild quote, Anessa. :wink: "I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of...
Perfume-related quotes
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
...Thank you for the passages, Cryptic :) Both Rebecca's perfume and Dorian Gray studying perfumes completely slipped out of my mind. Although I remember strong scents of flowers are mentioned often, and him dealing with opium, of course (although, not the Opium, but I suppose he might've liked it?)Very accurate, as always, from the dandy, and regarding "and in musk that troubled the brain" yes yes yes! Now I know why I don't like it and can be proud that great O.Wilde shares my sentiment :o ;)The other quote I learnt in the German forum thread should be by Oscar Wilde as well, but I can't find the source in English: "Komplimente sind wie Parfüm. Sie dürfen duften, aber nie aufdringlich werden." -> "Compliments are like perfumes. They should be fragrant, but never become obtrusive.""Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." ― Mark Twain
Perfume-related quotes
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
...Aah. You caught me there, Cryptic :) :lol: I think some types just don't have affinities (mutually).I am sure that, if I were an animal, I would be a slow-moving vegetarian, like a cow or an elephant (the African variation).Accordingly, I don't get on with animals that hunt others ;)A rather famous one from the (initially) romantic-idealistic protagonist:“If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again.” ― Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca
by Anessa | Off Topic
...For that quote, I also thought about those who (without really being emotionally invested) just feel too comfortable to make efforts themselves to be happy or make someone else happy and demand being satisfied.I am sorry dear Cincy, about your hurtful experience. And this would have nothing to do with getting 'comfortable' as in my alternate interpretation of the above quote. I am sure it always is devastating if one had really emotionally become involved and invested and attached, the more for a very feeling person.Some people say, "experience makes you stronger" or something like, but I believe there are experiences one doesn't need.
Perfume-related quotes
by Cryptic | Perfumes & Brands
...take it you're not a Jeremy fan, Anessa? ;)Elle ne porte rien D’autre qu’un peu D’essence de Guerlain Dans les cheveux...Serge...
by Cincy | Off Topic
...tie your happiness to the tail of someone else’s kite.” Anessa, oh how that takes me back years to my old boyfriend. Bad breakup, so hurtful at the time...
Scent of the Day
by Anessa | Perfumes & Brands
..."Madame Rochas (1989)"Aldehydes and summer meadows
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