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12 samples, what would you do?
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...A). I'd put one on before I went to work and then spend the day evaluating over 8 hours as I'm programming and creating courses and stuff. This works pretty well. I get a good idea of the the whole fragrance, duration, sillage, etc.
Ultra-Expensive Perfumes
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
Re: Ultra-Expensive Perfumes
...Cryptic:I'm talking about the JARs, Amouage attars, some of the get the picture. What's your view of testing these costly buggers? I'm afraid to even sniff them lest I fall madly in love. Any other cowards out there?I have a hard price limit of $200, so that keeps me out of those leagues. I have no problems with samples and decants, though; If I ever made an exception, it would be for Amouge's Memoir Man, simply because there is no other scent that does what it does. Lots of other good points, though -- especially about using Guerlain's prices as a way to differentiate quality from hype, and Michelle Obama's sudden interest in BTV.
What perfume have you bought recently?
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...Seatonica:My latest catches are Balmain Ambre Gris and Prada Infusion d'RoseI've had a bit of money to spend on perfume lately. But I'm trying to be disciplined and stick to my wishlist, instead of chasing after every bright, shiney thing that catches my attention. I'll wait and watch for what I want until I can get it at the right price. I could never fork out $200 for a bottle of perfume.I start to feel a little bit dizzy when I see the $100 price tag approaching me in the rear-view mirror. $200 -- no way! Some fragrance bottles do make the case for those kind of prices, but then again I wonder how much of that $200 is for the bottle, you know?
What perfume have you bought recently?
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...Walgreens had a set of Curve minis on sale, so I got 'em. $19.95 = three new scents. Score! (Way beats the full bottle of Curve Appeal that TJ Maxx was selling a few weeks back for the same price!)
The functional no-nos of perfume bottles
by Olga1780 | Perfumes & Brands
...Silverfire, I hate dabbing myself.....for some reason it doesn't smell the same as spraying, and doesn't give you the right idea about sillage and longevity...
The functional no-nos of perfume bottles
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...I dunno if spraying changes the nature of the scent so much as it increases its potency and duration (my experience). That said, I'm not a chemist, so interaction with N and O2 could possibly affect the scent. I don't do much decanting either, but I have decanted from a small vial into a sprayer and that's when I noticed that the amount of fragrance that ended up on me was greatly increased from simply dabbing. I'm not a real fan of dabbing, as the only applicators that I've seen that were any good were the ones from L'Artisan samples that were really long. (Ok, no psychoanalysis here, people.) Can you buy applicators alone without the vial?
Samples from Houses - best experience
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...Only one I've dealt with was Sonoma Scent Studios and they were wicked fast with a handwritten note from the perfumer.
Storing & Organising Your Perfumes
...Silverfire:I keep mine organized in the order in which I bought them -- samples go in line just like the rest, because I bought them too. I use a small cabinet...
Storing & Organising Your Perfumes
by Silverfire | Perfumes & Brands
...I keep mine organized in the order in which I bought them -- samples go in line just like the rest, because I bought them too. I use a small cabinet I got at Lowe's which works a lot better upside down than right-side up. I also made my own shelf so that I would have enough shelves. Here's how it looked a few months ago (since then the collection has grown):
Politics and Perfume ...
by Silverfire | Off Topic
...Well, the one thing I can say is that there's an awful lack of supporting evidence for the crimes of the Uzbek government. Snarky asides in the Independent really don't cut it for me. I do think it's interesting from a psychological/spiritual angle that people simply assume without proof that 1) the Uzbek government is bad 2) the perfumer knew it and/or had a choice. Sometimes (ok, often) what the press "knows" is true is not. Sometimes the intel is exaggerated or wrong. Sometimes people lie. Me, I still don't have enough evidence to know what the truth is. However, if 1) and 2) are true, I won't buy anything he designs in the future.
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