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Adaption, aka Olfactory Fatigue
...Sorceress:Yes, thank you for directing us to the link, Pipette. So interesting to read what our body does to protect itself from supposed damage. And then we go ahead and spray more. In the translation, I was trying to fully understand. Are we hurting ourselves more when we keep spraying because we can no longer smell but want to smell the frag? Say we are at home, and it doesn't matter, so we spray a lot. What does anyone think?It's not necessarily damage, but a filtering of known information. In fact, you can override this "censor" mechanism by exceeding the threshold your own nose built up for your fragrance, but that's the point where you are starting to gas out other people. I just wrote this article because at this time there were a lot of people whining about fragrances having bad performance and not being able to smell it on themselves despite dousing themselves in the fragrance. I noticed this effect on myself when I was wearing Aventus (and nowadays I have the same effect with Sauvage for instance). I couldn't smell anything on myself and felt naked, but then again towards the end of the day I got comments on my fragrance being too strong and overpowering (although I just wore 2 spritz).So I looked up the physiology behind it because I had that in my physiology of senses lecture.Somebody actually asked me to refresh this thread on the international platform, happy to do so.