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Plum happiness
Re: Plum happiness
...OrandaveArtBashke81Hi 🙂I am on a plum kick at the moment and I would like to hear about your favorite plum fragrances? I have Plum Japonais and I absolutely love the smokey plum in it. Others I have tried and liked very much were Gold Leather from Atelier and Halfeti Leather from Penhaligons. Both really nice. Hi :)I'd like to suggest the following fragrances:Kapsule Woody Karl LagerfeldEau de Fleur de Prunier KenzoSensuous Noir Estée LauderBois d’Ombrie Eau D'ItalieScent Intense CoSTUME NATIONAL Is "Kapsule Woody Karl Lagerfeld" still available? I'm not sure. I see it time to time in online shops, but never asked if it is really available there.
Plum happiness
Re: Plum happiness
...Bashke81Hi 🙂I am on a plum kick at the moment and I would like to hear about your favorite plum fragrances? I have Plum Japonais and I absolutely love the smokey plum in it. Others I have tried and liked very much were Gold Leather from Atelier and Halfeti Leather from Penhaligons. Both really nice. Hi :)I'd like to suggest the following fragrances:Kapsule Woody Karl LagerfeldEau de Fleur de Prunier KenzoSensuous Noir Estée LauderBois d’Ombrie Eau D'ItalieScent Intense CoSTUME NATIONAL