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Barcode addition feature and fragrance sets

Barcode addition feature and fragrance sets 1 year ago

Apologies if this is addressed elsewhere. I have read through the instructions, however in English they're a little sparse. I'd prefer to be annoying asking for clarification rather than making a mess approving undesired barcodes.

- If a fragrance bottle is part of a set which includes cosmetics, is this "yes, confirm"? Or is this when "no/set" is used, even if there's a bottle of fragrance included in the set?

- If the barcode perfume is included in a set which includes other fragrances, is it a "yes" or "no/set"?

Basically, are barcodes to be added for bottles alone in box only? Are travel sizes acceptable? 

Additionally: a button for the user to "pass" and go to the next barcode may be valuable, as users that are not confident may go on to process other barcodes. If that is the purpose of the "unsure" button, please add this clarification under the instructions.

Perhaps seperation of the buttons for "no / set" for "unsure / not on Parfumo" would avoid confusion.

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