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Do you spray different perfumes on different bodyparts?

Do you spray different perfumes on different bodyparts? 8 months ago

There are perfumes I like to spray lower on the body because I feel the perfume needs to rise, like Samsara (Eau de Parfum)Samsara Eau de Parfum . But I love my Private Collection (Eau de Parfum)Private Collection Eau de Parfum (It's actually called 'Eau de Private Collection' after reformulation) best when I spray it higher, like behind my ears and on my neck.

Do you choose different places to spray your perfume, depending on what perfume you are wearing?

8 months ago 1

I used to spray my perfumes on my chest and forearm (crook of the elbow, forearm, wrist), but now I only wear my perfumes on my arms. I tend to end up blind if they're on my chest and I still want to catche whiffs of 'em during the day. 

I've never considered spraying different parts for different perfumes though.

8 months ago 2

Yes. Especially with some of my layering where it’s not the typical style of layering where people spray one on top of the other. 
With some i spray one fragrance on a part of the body while I spray the 2nd fragrance on another area. 

I also change things up if I am not going out and am wearing something for my own enjoyment. In that situation there is no point in wasting fragrance by spraying it all over. Instead I will spray on the top of the hand or wrists. I also will spray on the middle of my chest so the scent is radiating upwards to my nose. 

If I am going out the performance of a fragrance decides on how much and where I will be spraying. For example if I am out walking my uncle’s dog when I look after him I will spray on the back of the neck and my hair so it leaves a nice trail behind me. 

8 months ago 1

I tend to spray the heavy ones once or twice on my chest, before I dress in the morning. Anything airy and light tend to go on my wrists and neck.

8 months ago 1

Oh some interesting replies here! Thanks! I'm a bit jalous of those who layer, I feel so incompetent when it comes to that Sad  But I like the idea of Mitchcraft: spraying both fragrances on different parts of the body.... 

And how about the 'one spray and walk through'- method? Anyone? 

8 months ago 1

Yes, I often spray one fragrance on my wrist and chest and a different fragrances in the crook of my arm or any mix of pulse points.

8 months ago 1

I have a few strong vintage ones that I spray once in the air and walk through. If not, they would suffocate both me and my surroundings lol. But I’m talking about vintage Opium, which can be a bit cloying on me if I take too much. 

8 months ago

I don't wear it often, but I do the 'one spray walk through method' with my Aromatics Elixir (Perfume)Aromatics Elixir Perfume It is soooo strong! I had the bodylotion in the past and actually found that nicer than the perfume.

8 months ago 1

I don't wear it often, but I do the 'one spray walk through method' with my Aromatics Elixir (Perfume)Aromatics Elixir Perfume It is soooo strong! I had the bodylotion in the past and actually found that nicer than the perfume.

I always spray my vintage Aromatics Elixir on the back of my knees because it's so strong.

8 months ago 1


I've mentioned this before in other threads: I never spray perfume -any perfume- on skin that is exposed to direct sunlight. This means that I never spray my neck, chest, ears, arms, etc.   I always (over-)spray skin covered with clothing, basically the torso or the inside of my clothing. 

8 months ago

I don't wear it often, but I do the 'one spray walk through method' with my Aromatics Elixir (Perfume)Aromatics Elixir Perfume It is soooo strong! I had the bodylotion in the past and actually found that nicer than the perfume.

I always spray my vintage Aromatics Elixir on the back of my knees because it's so strong.

Oh, I may try this next time Smile thanks for the tip!

7 months ago

I don't wear it often, but I do the 'one spray walk through method' with my Aromatics Elixir (Perfume)Aromatics Elixir Perfume It is soooo strong! I had the bodylotion in the past and actually found that nicer than the perfume.

I always spray my vintage Aromatics Elixir on the back of my knees because it's so strong.

@Ostara , I just tried this (spraying AE only on the back of my knees) and it's a great way to use this scent! Thank you! Now I'm able to wear it!!!

7 months ago

I'm not super deliberate these days. most goes on my wrists and shoulders. my stronger perfumes i either spray on my legs or spray in the air and walk through. and if i'm wearing multiple fragrances i'll do one on my wrists and one on shoulders.

7 months ago 1

I often wear a different fragrance on my wrists, for my own personal enjoyment. I can even wear a different frag on each wrist, especially when I want to use my samples. 

6 months ago

I Love to wear La Vie est Belle L'Eau de ParfumLa Vie est Belle L'Eau de Parfum just one spray on the back of my neck. I noticed it performs best that way. I won't get nose blind from having it constantly wafting up from my wrists because it is so strong. Instead I will get lovely whiffs from moving around, turning my head, etc. It's so dynamic that way. Most perfumes are fine on the wrists, and some are even good on the chest, but that is the only one I wear only one spray to the back of my neck and nowhere else.

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