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Credit for photos, please!

Credit for photos, please! 3 months ago 1

I discovered that you are using some of my photos (which I love and encourage!) on your page for Burma-Shave lotion. The last two photos in the gallery on the left are mine -- of the shaving kit and the two tubes and the box. Maybe a few others, but I'd have to check.

However, you don't give me credit for them, which I would prefer. Especially if when doing so you point to my Burma-Shave Museum website.

I've redone my photos because I didn't like the original angle I was taking them from, so there aren't currently any of the Burma-Shave aftershave lotions on it. But I will try to get them up soon. (I think I have four different ones.) You may use them, but like I said, credit would be nice, and pointing to my website would be great. Thanks!

3 months ago 1

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have added a credit to the images in question. If you have any other concerns, please let us know. 🙏

3 months ago

Thanks! I appreciate it! I'll let you know when I have the aftershaves up.

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