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Need help identifying perfume based on notes.

Need help identifying perfume based on notes. 7 months ago

Hello Everyone,

For the past few years, I have been chasing a certain scent that I couldn't really pinpoint. Recently, I purchased a bar of soap that smells almost exactly like the scent I have been looking for. Unfortunately, I haven't found any scents that match this soap, so I am turning here for your guys' help. The specific soap I purchased was Wavertree & London Havana scented soap bar.

Here is the specific profile listed on the back of the wrapper: "Fragrances of rich, dark Tobacco Leaf with lightly infused rare spices, black Cocoa, and woody Sandalwood with a hint of Coffee and Vanilla."

Thank you in advance for the help!

7 months ago

Perhaps you could mix something like Habano Vanilla, Vanilla & Tobacco Infusion, Tobacco Touch Maison Alhambra, or Tobacco Leaf Just Jack with something else that has coffee, etc. Here some more: Tabac Gourmand Patrice Martin has everything except for coffee; Sweet Tabacum, When in Havana, and Honey Havane from The Dua Brand.

7 months ago

Are you chasing an existing scent that you forget/never knew the name of and smelled in person, or do you mean that you're looking for a scent that meets your requirements? If it's just the latter, you can do a search on Parfumo for the notes. I think a lot of tobacco perfumes usually have notes of vanilla in them anyway, so you might be able to find a nice layering combination with a tobacco/vanilla scent, a sandalwood, and a cocoa/coffee scent.

7 months ago

If you're looking for an existing fragrance you can still do a search and just limit the years to when you smelled it- like if you know you smelled it in 1998 don't include anything that was released after 1999. I'd also suggest going to a larger forum like reddit and making a post there with any extra info you can remember (shape of bottle, where you smelled it, the demographic of who was wearing it etc...).

7 months ago

You can use the Parfumo search function like so to experiment with different combinations of notes and see if you recognize any of the perfumes.

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