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TV shows you would like to see return. Discontinued or not.

TV shows you would like to see return. Discontinued or not. 9 months ago

When I say "or not" I mean shows that haven’t been officially confirmed as being discontinued and could come back, such as, Mindhunter.  

The topic covers shows that you know have no chance of returning because they are so old now, but you would have liked to have seen a proper finale. The Sarah Connor Chronicles for example, however, they do have time travel though so…?

And of course shows that have been confirmed as being discontinued even after one series and left us with a cliffhanger such as, my first mention, Archive 81. 

So off the top of my head…

Archive 81 (This didn’t even get a chance)


The OA

As mentioned, Mindhunter 

Spinning Out (I love figure skating)

The Sarah Connor Chronicles 

Heroes (Heroes Reborn was not good enough for me)

Lie to Me 

Jupiter’s Legacy 


I know there are more that I am not remembering right now, but these are what came to mind. 

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