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Changes in fragrance longevity - due to summer heat or not?

Changes in fragrance longevity - due to summer heat or not? 4 months ago

Recently, I've noticed that fragrances are lasting a lot longer on me than they used to. With most fragrances, I used to be able to spray them on and apply something new the next day with at most a quick rinse to get rid of any residue of yesterday's scent. But now I'm having scents last quite strongly into the next day and I need to take a shower to rinse them off, sometimes even that isn't enough. 

It's the middle of summer here, and the weather has just got a lot warmer (I keep my house air conditioned, but the ambient air temperature is a few degrees warmer than it would be in spring). I thought that heat made fragrances evaporate faster, so they smell stronger, but don't last as long. Am I wrong about this? I'm trying to figure out if the improved longevity of my fragrances is due to something environmental, or if my skin chemistry has changed without me knowing! 

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