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Noticed that discounters are asking for more than the RRP

Noticed that discounters are asking for more than the RRP 10 months ago 1

Recently when going to discounters i have found several fragrances are way more than the RRP.

Notino is usually my go to for discounts but today i found yet another fragrance way more than it should be.

They were asking £200 for a 150ml of Bleu de Chanel (Eau de Parfum)Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum while i managed to get it at John Lewis which is known for usually being very expensive but i got that 150ml for £130

This is not the first time i have seen places like Notino and Sephora which are promoted on Fragrantica as the cheapest options and seeing that a fragrance like Hawas for HimHawas for Him which should be roughly £50 is being sold for £100+

Be careful when going to discounters people. They sometimes try fool us in to paying crazy amounts!

They even tried to say i was saving a % if i bought that 150ml for £200 while i saved £70 from buying from a highly well known store here in the UK. John Lewis is a very high class store so if you are getting it at that price there you know it should be much cheaper at a discounter!

Even the Parfum of Bleu de Chanel ParfumBleu de Chanel Parfum at John Lewis for a 150ml is only £160 not £200+ . If Notino are asking that for the EDP i don't dare wonder what they will ask for the Parfum 150ml ? £250+?

EDIT: Well i dared look and for some reason they are charging less for the Parfum than the EDT and the EDP.

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