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Spraying perfume on clothing that lingers for days

Spraying perfume on clothing that lingers for days 7 months ago 1

I can't imagine being the only one with this issue or ick. Admittedly, I sometimes spray my fragrances on my clothes. But even if I don't some fragrances just stick to the neck area of the garment for days, if not weeks. Sometimes I wear a sweater once, put it away and after wearing it a week later the scent still lingers. This is especially unfortunate because I wear a different scent almost daily. If I want to wear a fresh or fruity scent and put on a sweater that reeks of oud, it makes me choose a different piece of clothing sometimes.

This makes me wonder: do you wear spray fragrance before putting on clothes to avoid this issue or do you wash your clothes after every wear?

Note: I'm specifically talking about thinks like sweaters, not t-shirts, those I obviously wash more regularly Smile

7 months ago 2

I always put on fragrance and let it dry before getting dressed. The rare exceptions are with light fragrances. But I try to avoid fragrances I have to spray on my clothes. 

7 months ago 2

I'm a neurotic super-hygienist person (LOL) so I must admit that I actually wash my all clothes after every wear, even the sweaters, jeans, scarves etc. 🙈 The only thing that I don't wash so often are coats and jackets, and I try to avoid mixing my perfume with them. I get olfactory fatigue very easily so I must wear a different fragrance every day, and I don't want to unintentionally mix different fragrances.

7 months ago 2

Yeah, I hate that, too. In summer it's not a big problem with short sleeves and lower necklines, but in winter it drives me crazy. I tend to wash most of my clothes after one wear, but not outerwear, scarves and big wide sweaters/cardigans. I try to use perfumes that are similar enough to layer seamlessly when an item has older perfume on it. And I don't spray my clothes intentionally, but perfume tends to transfer to them even if I sprayed it before putting them on. 

7 months ago 1

i stopped spraying fragrance directly on my clothes for this reason! i just wear lots of things that don't get washed after every use (always cold=always wearing a jacket or sweater). i usually spray while i'm getting dressed and wait a few minutes to put my clothes on. unless i'm wearing my pajamas in which case i don't care too much

7 months ago 1

I only (over)spray the inside of my shirts and trousers which I wash after every use. I don't spray scarves, coats or sweaters. When they still smell of old perfume I wash them/dry clean them.  

7 months ago 3

I honestly don't care and sometimes will spray another perfume on clothing that I sprayed on before with, yes, another perfume. 

7 months ago 2

Well, I have this on, by order of magnitude: 1) sweaters 2) scarfs and... 3) pillows (which make my partner laugh as she can smell my perfumes when I am not by hers). I don't have it much on jacket or coats (lower necklines?).

Sometimes my favorite sweater, which happen to have a quite high neck has the nondescript smell of several perfumes... Time to wash it...

But a few months ago I was trapped by a delicious smell lingering on my pillow and (favorite) sweater. I couldn't guess for days which perfume it was, which was quite frustrating... I was shocked to eventually realise it was Bvlgari Man Wood EssenceBvlgari Man Wood Essence all along. My first impression of this fragrance was in the "so-so" register. But I got hooked by this "dry down" on my clothes. By the end of my sample I was addicted (and would from time to time re-test it in shops). Now after a few months I finally got me a bottle. It is a bit of an intoxicating smell for me, but I am glad this mysterious smell on my clothes got me there.

7 months ago 2

And yet complaints about longevity are a constant refrain in the reviews! I prefer not to spray perfume on my skin. That way I don’t have to harp on about ‘my skin chemistry’ and how ‘my skin eats up perfume’ - another constant refrain. It’s clothes and sometimes hair. If it’s a coat or jumper, I’m prepared to just wear that particular fragrance with that item until it’s time to clean. With other outerwear items that don’t not need to be changed every day, I just enjoy the smell of my fragrance from the day before. I actually prefer the scent not to last for longer than two days, but with rare exceptions, they do even though I don’t have anything expensive/special.

Last edited by Sassafras on 10.10.2023, 06:32; edited 1 time in total
7 months ago 1

@Sassafras Indeed, I've always wondered about those longevity complaints because I never had any issues with any perfumes... On clothes they last several days and on my skin 8+ hours, no matter which concentration. I think that in the majority of cases it's just olfactory fatigue (or very dry skin with no proper hydration routine), not real longevity issues.

7 months ago 1

I think it can also be weather conditions. I noticed that I sometimes can't smell perfumes for very long when it's really hot outside. I guess they evaporate faster with sweating. Otherwise, I agree, it's almost always 8+ hours on my skin and basically forever on fabric. 

7 months ago

I think it can also be weather conditions. I noticed that I sometimes can't smell perfumes for very long when it's really hot outside. I guess they evaporate faster with sweating. Otherwise, I agree, it's almost always 8+ hours on my skin and basically forever on fabric. 

Yes! So great that you mentioned that, you're definitely right. I often forget that I'm coming from a very cold country where the summers are equivalent to tropical countries' winters... 😅 Definitely perfumes evaporate faster when the weather is very hot and humid.

7 months ago 2


Even when I don't spray on clothes and let it dry before dressing, my clothes will smell of my perfume.

I  think there is a difference concerning the material of the clothing, on some materials perfumes last longer and perform differently than on others...

But if I want to wear the same garment next day, but want to wear another fragrance, I will wash it, just to be sure. I quite frequently wash my jackets too....

I don't put away my sweaters in my closet often after wearing them, because then my closet may smell of all different perfumes....

6 months ago 1

I think it's better to spray perfume on the skin. I have already know this problem with my hoodie, and it's very difficult to remove the smell.

Last edited by JeanJean on 11.11.2023, 10:42; edited 1 time in total
6 months ago

The only time I will spray on clothes is when I have a week fragrance and know I am going to be out all day so so be coming home in the evening to shower and wear another fragrance. 

I find it annoying when fragrances rub off on to clothing. I have one that makes the neck of my white t-shirts look yellowish and not just that if there are days I would like to wear more than one fragrance I find it annoying that a freshly washed set of clothes can end up smelling of a fragrance for days after washing them. This annoys me for 2 reasons. One being it could be a shirt with a special print that I love and could fade with being washed in time so having to wash them after only one wear increases the chance of fading. 

The 2nd is that I just don’t like in general that a freshly washed shirt etc has to be washed in such a short time due to fragrance being stuck to it and wishing to wear that same shirt at night but with a different fragrance.  Cost of living is going up a lot recently so it costs a lot of money on washing products and not only that but to run the washing machine on electricity. So after only half a day of wearing a shirt and then having to clean it again is kind of crazy tbh. 

The kind of fragrances i would deliberately spray on is maybe something like smart dress for a night out for a special event like a birthday night out and know the clothes will be getting washed after the night out as I won’t wear them again for a good while as I don’t go out to for night time events like that often anymore. 

The other time like I say is if I am going to be out for the majority of the day and know a certain fragrance won’t last the entire time I am out. 

If I am trying to avoid getting them on clothing I do exactly what you asked. Spray on to myself and let it dry on to my skin before I put on any upper clothing. The time before I put clothing on after spraying will vary depending on the time it takes for some fragrance oil to dry in. 

6 months ago

I spray clothes frequently, but surely i spray perfume after shower the put clothes afterwards. I find layering my fragrance works wonders.

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