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perfume cravings while travelling

perfume cravings while travelling 1 year ago 1

Do you know this? You're travelling and have a couple of decants with you but start craving a specific scent that you didn't take with you? Maybe one relatively new in your collection. It doesn't always happen to me but sometimes...

I'm currently entering every perfumery I pass by to douse myself im Cristalle / Cristal (Eau de Toilette)Cristalle Eau de Toilette if they have - like a drug addicted Smile

1 year ago

Of course ! I try to travel with a small collection of decants that could fit any mood or (planned) weather. But I find sometime myself wanting something that stayed home...

As for Cristalle / Cristal (Eau de Toilette)Cristalle Eau de Toilette ... Well I didn't now of this perfume till two day sago. I just found a shoebox by my parent's place that belongs to my grand-mother. With a few soaps from hotels they visited with my grand father.... and a few vintage samples. Among which... Cristalle / Cristal (Eau de Toilette)Cristalle Eau de Toilette . It could have help you !

Hope you will survive through your craving...

(By the way, these samples are mainly full, and I don't think my parents will use them. Should I wait another 20 years till they pass down to me, still untouched, or should I take them straight away) ?

1 year ago

chances are the samples are not good anymore. Better try them now than waiting another 20 years. 

1 year ago


when travelling I go through several perfume-stress stages:

Before travelling phase: As soon as I book the trip I start worrying about which bottles/decants I´m going to take with me. Which one for daytime? for dinner? For sightseeing? Is this too much? Will they take them at the security check? Will they break, leak, get lost? Decisions and worries. Adding to the stress is something connected to what you've mentioned, the idea that once I arrive to my destination I´ll wish to smell a perfume I left at home. I haven't left yet and I am worrying about what will I miss in the future. I can easily pack clothes and make up. Perfumes? not so much.

On destination phase: I think the situation you are asking about fits better in this phase. You are peacefully strolling or having a coffee, relaxing and suddenly, a longing to smell that particular perfume comes over you, you remember the smell clearly, wish to smell it again... and it's far, far away, sitting at home on the shelf.

Yes, I think I understand the feeling you describe. If someone can explain the psychology of why we "miss" our perfumes when away from home I would be very thankful.

Ps. I don't want to dive into the "travelling back" phase because that is a topic on its own.

1 year ago

well, the good thing about travelling with limited choice of scents is that it allows you to rediscover gems that didn't get much attention previously or just use up decants. 

1 year ago

Never saw it from this pov. That is a great attitude.

1 year ago

funnily after coming back the cristalle craving was over, haven't worn it since. Maybe a weather thing. L

1 year ago

Hey welcome back,

It must be the desire for what is out of our reach... once the object of desire is accessible to us we loose interest. In other words, just being human. 😁

Talking about being out of reach, there's a rumour Cristalle (Eau de Parfum)Cristalle Eau de Parfum is getting discontinued. Hope is not true.

21 days ago

Absolutely. Dumb me even tried to sell some scents and keep just 2 or 3. Worst withdrawal 🫣🤣

17 days ago

Definitely an addict. Holidays/vacations are for me an opportunity to get away from what I do at home, and that includes fragrance. I’m more concerned about what I’m wearing than how I smell. 

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